25 July 2007


I have this habit of checking that the girls are all right before I go to sleep. After I have switched of the lights I need to make sure they are safely in their beds, if don't do this I can't sleep. When I was ill a little while ago I made the much beloved check on them as I could not fall asleep otherwise.

Last night after reading HP7 (far too late and have suffered for this today) I did my usual thing. CS was in bed in her usual star shape sleep position (this ensures that if she does ever need to come into our bed both parents are left without mattress). I came to CE's room and there was her large pink blanket right in front of her door. On closer examination she was on the blanket in her pink PJ's (that was why I hadn't seen her the pink were really effective camouflage). I lifted child and blanket back into bed.

I asked CE this morning why she had been sleeping in her doorway. She was allegedly camping.

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