26 September 2011

Eight years old

She is eight years old. I have been a mother for eight years and husband has been a father for eight years.

16 September 2011

First week of school.

Well so far so good. We have the first week of school behind us. The tally so far:

One cardigan lost - but returned later that week
One bright pink pack a mac - still MIA
One new school polo shirt with paint that doesn't wash out.
One knee with scab with matching hole in tights.

About the knee. Dear Daughter 2 wanted to keep the plaster. "I like the pattern the blood has made". Oh dear. I may have a budding "modern" artist.

02 September 2011

New shoes

Look new shoes.
They are Hush Puppies Noella. I am not used to walking on heels so not sure if they fit all right but they are so red and lovely...