31 May 2007

Chickenpox and rain

Not much has been happening here. CS has chickenpox. She did frighten me slightly when she came out with them, just before the spots appeared her temperature shot up to 40.2 and she went very gray and limp. Almost as soon as the spots appeared she got better. About 15 min later her temperature came down and she was lively again. Of course by now we are at the out of hours doctor. Well "better"; it is now a week on and she is no longer itchy. Just have to wait now for CE to get it.
It has been raining all week. Today is the first day that we have sun. I hope it lasts for long enough to dry the grass sufficiently for the girls to be able to play on it without being drenched.

23 May 2007

Obedient Wives

Mr Yoastie thought this would be a good programme for me to watch. "maybe you can learn something :-)"
The women in this programme did everything their husband's asked of them. For some it was a religious thing for others it was based on the teachings of Laura Doyle.
All I can say is that it is not for me! One husband left his wife a to do list as he went to work. As if looking after the house and children is not enough without being given a list of things like "sort out my sock drawer"(no, really).
Well I can honestly say that I do not wear the trousers in our house (don't like wearing them; in fact I think I only own one pair) but this programme made me want to become a dyed in the wool feminist.

21 May 2007

Booster Shots

My oldest daughter had to have her "preschool immunisations and assessment". I thought this a trifle early as she won't be going to school till September 2008 but as they say "in for a penny in for a pound". Also the Surgery had sent me a reminder 3 times already. After studying the information provided ("Pre-school Immunisation - a guid to vaccinations for 3 to 5 year olds") I booked the appointment. I was surprised to learn that first CS had to see the GP (general practioner -doctor to you and me) and then the nurse for the actual booster.

We arrived on time for our 3pm appointment at 2.55 pm. After waiting for 35 minutes we were finally allowed in to see the GP. The little yoasties are not interested in Women's magazines and as there were no toys in the waiting room or suitable children's books it was a long 35 min. The girls did have me read all the information leaflets to them. There are now several people in our little town who now know more than they wanted to about bladder weakness. Luckily we were called in before I had to read the leaflet "about the people kissing" or "Chlamydia".

The GP weighted and measured CS. CS and the GP discussed shoes, the difficulty of finding the right ones and explaining about CE's shoes. After less than 5 min we were free to wait for the nurse. After another 10min and leaflet on the benefits of breastfeeding we got to see the nurse. Immunisations were had; CS was "awfully brave actually" (her words). We left after a quick explanation to CE that if it says 'Staff only' you can't just walk in at 4.05 pm.

All in all a visit that could have been carried out by one member of the medical profession (I do not know why the person who studied for 6 years had to measure and weigh her when the nurse could have done this just as well). I very much felt that this is one hour of my life I will never see again.

18 May 2007


It's my birthday. I am 33 today.

14 May 2007


Y.:"I think we should have some garden furniture."
Mrs Y: "All right. What type do you like?"
Y.:"Not wood that needs too much upkeep."
Mrs Y.:"Well what about this then?"
Y."Too much like a terrasje in NL."

This type of discussion went on for whole three weeks that we had glorious weather. We finally settled on cheap plastic as we couldn't decide and it is weather proof. I did think that it was a silly move to buy garden furniture as we were bound to have 40 days and 40 nights of rain. I was right. The day after our purchase it rained and it hasn't stopped since.

12 May 2007

Schools part 2

I have found out that the council will write to me when CS needs to go to school (in June or July) and I need to then choose three schools listing them in order of preference. Then in about November I will be notified of where she will have a place.
I am glad that the lady from the Education department was definite about the time scales. Also she was not confused by CS having a birthday in September at all. Hmm we'll see what happens.
In the mean time CS will have her pre-school boosters on Monday. That should be fun as CS is no fan of the medical profession and certainly not jabs.

10 May 2007


Yes, as any of you out there who have children know buying shoes is a living hell. Not only do you have to fork out somewhere between £25 and £40 per pair but you have to try and find some which a) fit and b) pass the committee vote, easier said then done.
With the note from the pre-school in mind (Children with open toe sandals will not be allowed on the jungle gym) we set of to town.
CS has narrow feet and only wants to wear green. When I say narrow I mean a D fitting (F being standard move down the alphabet to get narrow and up for wide). We tried Clarks but no luck there (I don't know why I bother. The last time she fitted into their shoes was two years ago). After trying on half the shop's supply of size 9 or 27 we finally found a pair of shoes - in turquoise almost as good as green. They met with all round approval.
CE has narrow flat feet - slight valgus on the right foot or so I have been told by the Health visitor. Not only no open toe sandals but also needs good support, oh and they need be pink or pink and orange. We thought we had found the holly grail of shoes - velcro fastening, dahlia colour (fuchsia to you and me), good support and closed toes. We get home and it turns out they have given us size 24 shoes in the size 25 box. Phoned the shop and they have a size 25 but not the same style we are welcome to try those though.
Tomorrow I will be phoning round some other shops to see if I can find the larger size in pink not white or rocket or espresso.

Hallelujah CE has new shoes
Went back and indeed the other style did not fit her. I asked if they could order them but apparently no more pink shoes to be had in the UK. Well how about other colours? Oh we have a white pair in 25.

08 May 2007


Charlie, the three year old from two doors down, is confused. We now have three cars on our drive. This in Charlie's view is odd. There is only one Mummy and one Daddy in our house, so two cars should be enough. And how do we know which car to drive? They are all silver. It was helpfully pointed out by his older brother that one was gold- actually. (Mr Yoastie chipped in at this stage with Platinum - Actually). Mummies and Daddies do not drive the same car. His Mummy and Daddy have different cars and so do Sam's and Rowan's - therefore you should each have a different car. And the third one needs to go.
I thought about explaining about the company car and the different number plates (to help you tell them apart). I even considered explaining about the fact that we are trying to sell one of the cars. I have to admit to telling lies to Charlie. I told him that Mr Yoastie was collecting silver cars. This seemed to satisfy him.
Today he asked me if my daddy had outgrown the car and that is why he needed a new one. Charlie has outgrown his tricycle and has just been given a bicycle.

04 May 2007


CE is ill. She has 39C and feels very sorry for herself. Her temperature goes down when I give her paracetamol, so hopefully she will be on the mend soon. In the meantime she is milking being ill."I can't eat bread with cheese I am ill. I can only eat bread with Nutella."
I can't get anything done as I have CE on my lap all the time. She "needs cuddles and hugs". When the paracetamol has kicked in she is happy enough but then CS is in need of cuddles to make up for lack of attention.
Fingers crossed tomorrow they will all be well.