14 September 2007

Schools part 4

Hurrah, the technical difficulties on the website have been resolved. I have applied for a school place for CS. Now all we have to do is wait till 22/2/08 to find out whether she got in.


Dutchnic said...

Ok, that's a while.. Why do you have to wait so long?

Freddie said...

@Nic: Who knows? I think it is because all of England and Wales needs to be allocated on the same day.
Mr Yoastie thinks it is because their computer system needs to be rebooted several times.

Dutchnic said...

Haha, of course Mr Yoastie would give an explanation like that!

Anonymous said...

I think mr. yoastie is right!!
BTW did you have technical problems? What was wrong?

Freddie said...

@Hette: No, it was the website. It apologised for technical faults, which are now resolved.