08 May 2007


Charlie, the three year old from two doors down, is confused. We now have three cars on our drive. This in Charlie's view is odd. There is only one Mummy and one Daddy in our house, so two cars should be enough. And how do we know which car to drive? They are all silver. It was helpfully pointed out by his older brother that one was gold- actually. (Mr Yoastie chipped in at this stage with Platinum - Actually). Mummies and Daddies do not drive the same car. His Mummy and Daddy have different cars and so do Sam's and Rowan's - therefore you should each have a different car. And the third one needs to go.
I thought about explaining about the company car and the different number plates (to help you tell them apart). I even considered explaining about the fact that we are trying to sell one of the cars. I have to admit to telling lies to Charlie. I told him that Mr Yoastie was collecting silver cars. This seemed to satisfy him.
Today he asked me if my daddy had outgrown the car and that is why he needed a new one. Charlie has outgrown his tricycle and has just been given a bicycle.

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