19 May 2008

Schools part 6

We got a letter from CS's school. There will be three open days on Thursdays in June. Slight snag they are at the same time as the girls' swimming lessons. I have managed to change the swimming lessons to Tuesdays. This will be a rush as I need to pick up the girls, get them changed and into the pool in 15 minutes. Never going to work but hey.

Included with the letter was a "pupil enrollment form". Standard questions like date of birth, address and parental details. One of the last questions was whether the child speaks another language at home and if the parents need a translator. I was so close to putting yes. Part of me thinks it would have been great to meet the local Dutch translator but the good part of me thought that was just a silly prank. There is always child number 2 ...


Dutchnic said...

Do you raise the girls bilingually?

Freddie said...

@Nic: Yes, we try to speak Dutch at home and then at school they speak English. I can hear the girls in the background and they are speaking English to each other.

Dutchnic said...
