04 June 2007


Our first batch of strawberries are now ripe. Well when I say batch I mean five. But the girls and I had great fun looking over all the plants to see if we could find berries that were ready to eat. We managed to find a family. They were played with for a while but all strawberries met with the same fate.


Anonymous said...

That's quite an impressive batch ;-)! But they look very nice and reminded me of my own strawberries in the fridge!

Anonymous said...

Can I also draw your attention to the nice, short grass?...

Dutchnic said...

Hurrah! Have you been harvesting a lot? How many strawberry plants do you have?

Freddie said...

@Nic: Well about 4 to 5 strawberries a day. We have 6 plants in the greenhouse and seven in the garden. Unfortunately the ones in the garden get eaten by the slugs. I have put down eggshells and coffee ground to try and deter them. This works a little on the slugs but not the blackbirds and pigeons.

Dutchnic said...

Try using a net. It works wonders against birds.