26 February 2009


I have done some online shopping. I ordered an Epedit from Ikea. It will be delivered on 6 March.
I think Mr Y is a feeling a bit cheated. No 1.5 hour drive there or 1.5 hours back. No meatballs, no lugging heavy stuff or buying things in the market hall.

Sometimes unpopular decisions have to be made. But hey storage space in the house is needed.


Dutchnic said...

Couldn't they have sent a frozen pack of meatballs from the Swedish foodmarket along with it?
I don't think IKEA does mail order over here.. probably because everyone has one within 1 hr driving distance.

Anonymous said...

@Dutchnic: No [http://www.ikea.com/gb/en/catalog/products/70028680]. It would have been a good idea, even though the home made ones are a lot better than Ikea's. It's the experience that counts.

They started selling on the web, because the government does not allow them to open more shops.

Anonymous said...

Well at least he still has the joy of putting the new storage unit together (goh, dat Engels is best lastig, hoe zeg je 'in elkaar zetten'?)!