20 January 2009


I am afraid I lacking inspiration. Well that's not quite true. I could write lots about my job at the pre-school. I don't do this as I worry about confidentiality.

Could write about the fact that my brother and his family are emigrating. But I get a little upset thinking about that and my feelings about it are complicated.

I could write about my grandmother and that I feel she is unfair. But she is 95, so what the point be? She isn't going to change now.

I am also guessing that no one wants to know about my flu. The oldest daughter's sickness (and the fact that she gets all colds and illness).

I will try harder.


Marit said...

Looking forward to it!
I would be interested to read about your grandmother, even if she doesn't change :-). Just grab your "pen" and start writing, who knows what will come out!

(and i'm glad to hear you'll keep reading my blog! I hope others will too!)

Dutchnic said...

That sounds familiar... between everything that's been going on for me I haven't really been inspired either...

Anonymous said...

My congrats to both of your new jobs, and to the both of you, of course, :-)
I am not sure if you have to feel restricted by confident. areas, because you can alway anonimize your adventures. Just look around in Dutch blogonia, it is filled with lady teachers...

Anonymous said...

Where are they emigrating to?