07 October 2008

Pushy Parents?

Life has been busy. The whole Yoastie household has had to settle into a new routine. CS has to be in school by 8.50 or else there will be a late mark. CE isn't due at pre-school till 9.15, so plenty of time to get there. The schools are next door to each other, so normally I have to wait around for 25 minutes. Not bad when the weather was nice. But we are in England, so mostly it is not nice.

Mr Yoastie has a new job. It does not come with a company car, so we have said goodbye to his Mini. I am now without car as Mr Y has mine. Mostly that is fine as we live close to town centre and the shops. But as this country would benefit from a roof I am missing the car.

Next week is parents evening. I have been told by my daughter to tell Mrs P that school is fun but why doesn't she get to read more? Or write? or do numbers over 10? that is so pre-school numbers up to 10. And what about the plusing and minusing? why aren't they doing that?
So, I am now worried about how to get all this across without seeming like a pushy parent. I think I'll take her, that way she can teacher all about it herself.


Dutchnic said...

Lovely, how motivated she is (still). Try to keep her that way!

Anonymous said...

In England everything is done by car. My uncle uses his bike to go to the station every day and he always gets (positive) comments.