10 January 2008


Mr Yoastie is away for a whole week. I think this is pretty lonely. Also Atlanta has a useless time difference with the UK. So phone calls are not able to take place at length.

But I have come to realise that there are some positives. I have had a nice evening in with Russell Crowe and some fudge ice cream. Master and Commander is according to Mr Y. a "girl film". The box of Lindor chocolates that was not eaten at Christmas has slowly been decimated this week. I have had a play on facebook and I have not tidied up my sewing machine all week.

I do miss him though.


Dutchnic said...

I am going to be a week without my husband too.. but this is entirely my fault since I will be going on vacation. Not having to tidy up the sewing machine does sound attractive!

L said...

A night with Russel Crowe doesn't sound like a bad way to spend an evening!