15 November 2007

Nativity Play

"Mummy, why did they stay in the stable."

"There was no room at the Inn. All the rooms already had somebody in them, so there was no room available for Mary and Joseph."

"Maybe they should have booked a hotel room before they left."

"Yes, but in those days there was no telephone or internet, so it will have been more difficult."

"Could they have written a letter maybe?" Pauses to mull this over "Maybe they did write Mummy and it was stuck in the postal strike like the very old Oma's card. "



Maevrim said...

Perfect logic!

Because I have other health problems, I have to have many more visits than normal--I think usually you go once about every 3 months then more when you're close to your due date.

Anonymous said...

Very recognizable (is that a word, actually?).. :-) Anyway, in the story I was told as a child, everyone did not wánt to give Mary en Joseph a room (some racial thing, I believe - yeah the bible was its time very far ahead - and again, is that decent English?) At least, that is what I remember...