24 October 2007

Hello Kitty

We recently received a care package from our friends in the US. Mr Yoastie has already finished off the peanut butter cups and is steadily working his way through the other peanut based products.

The little Yoasties weren't forgotten. They recieved Hello Kitty knickers and Hello Kitty plasters. The knickers were tried on (all 3 pairs at once) and then shown to the girls next door. They are 7 and 8 so not as impressed as my two but then again they were not the recipients of the knickers.

The plasters were not allowed to be tried out. I know they are pretty but there is no need to just hand them out. Every time a finger was squashed or a foot was bumped a plaster was needed to make it better. At last CS has earned herself a Hello Kitty plaster. She tripped over on the way to the shops. Here is her knee in all its glory.


Dutchnic said...

Once again I can comment: the girls must be delighted!

Francine said...

Someone sent you peanut butter cups? Dude.
Those friends are keepers.

And yes, wash the plastic barbie hair with fabric softener.
It works better then hair conditioner.

I know that because I tried it. I have no shame :p.

So anyway. Wash, rinse, brush, let air dry, and Barbie will be out of her halloween-phase :-)