14 August 2007


Today was a miserable rainy day. The kind of rain the UK used to specialise in when I was a child - drizzle. My mother never bakes biscuits (well hardly ever). I love making biscuits. I have a collection of cutters in different shapes and sizes. We recently acquired new ones, so being a rainy day I thought to entertain the girls by making biscuits.

Auntie H's book on "Weihnachts Gebäck" (Christmas biscuits) was found and Buttergebäck was chosen. The sous chefs did a sterling job and all was set to go but then we came unstuck or rather stuck. The recipe says to leave the dough to rest in the fridge for an hour. I think this was not enough. The butter just went soft as soon as I tried to roll it and it stuck to the surface and the rolling pin.

Tomorrow is another day. I have tried to rescue as much of the dough as possible and returned it to the fridge. Fingers crossed I will be able to show off some pictures of the biscuits tomorrow.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Mmmm That's nice! That's why I like Christmasses in Germany so much. Mind, next Christmas will be celebrated in Nantwich and Surroundings...