24 July 2007

HP 7

Sorry that I am not writing lately but I have purchased Harry Potter 7.


Maevrim said...

I'm waiting for my husband to read it while I unpack from moving before I get my hands on it--still, can't resist reading over his shoulder every now and again!

I didn't want to make a baby registry, and people are already giving me what I don't want/need hehe. Still, it's mostly to give them something to send since I can buy most of the baby things far cheaper than my family can (being Navy and in a Navy area and all.)

Dutchnic said...

I recognize that fully. I was learning how to sew this morning (long live handy aunt who lives 3 houses away) when it was delivered. I know what I'll do tonight and tomorrow!

Anonymous said...

I read the first two chapters. More more more!!