Identity theft seems to be the new thing one needs to worry about. Mr Yoastie decided we needed a shredder to avoid this happening to us. I suspect the fact that it had a plug and was on sale may have had something to do with his decision.
There are two members of the household who think this is a great addition. We had snow in June.
June is overall a bad weathermonth this year, so snow is actually pretty good and fun.
Off course not for mummy, which needs to clean the whole thing.
I actually think you already do have a paper shredder... for free!
@Hette: Luckily we have a Dyson Animal, so it didn't take too long to clear up.
@Mink: True but the work ethic is just not there :-) Child labour is also frowned upon in the UK.
Nobody seems to appreciate that this is someone's office that is being discombobulated.
To quote the fat controller of Thomas the tank engine: "They are causing confusionb and delay".
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