Y.:"I think we should have some garden furniture."
Mrs Y: "All right. What type do you like?"
Y.:"Not wood that needs too much upkeep."
Mrs Y.:"Well what about this then?"
Y."Too much like a terrasje in NL."
This type of discussion went on for whole three weeks that we had glorious weather. We finally settled on cheap plastic as we couldn't decide and it is weather proof. I did think that it was a silly move to buy garden furniture as we were bound to have 40 days and 40 nights of rain. I was right. The day after our purchase it rained and it hasn't stopped since.
Mrs Y: "All right. What type do you like?"
Y.:"Not wood that needs too much upkeep."
Mrs Y.:"Well what about this then?"
Y."Too much like a terrasje in NL."
This type of discussion went on for whole three weeks that we had glorious weather. We finally settled on cheap plastic as we couldn't decide and it is weather proof. I did think that it was a silly move to buy garden furniture as we were bound to have 40 days and 40 nights of rain. I was right. The day after our purchase it rained and it hasn't stopped since.
What's the English expression for 'het is de goden verzoeken'? Cos that's what it was!
Murphy always comes with his family ;-)
Thanks for the link! I'll link to you as soon as I have time (probably after I graduate)
Has the weather cleared yet?
Weather is better but was not good enough to use furniture to its intended purpose - entertain Bas and family with al fresco dinner.
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