19 April 2007


While we were in NL in March there was a lot of discussion on whether one should be allowed two passports. As it happens I have dual nationality. The rules were changed in the 1980's but I being "really old" still have two and will be allowed to keep them (well until they change their minds).
It has been useful having two passports. Mr Yoastie insisted we marry in NL and that is a lot easier if you both have NL passports. The gentleman in Den Haag where we had to register our intention to marry was very confused that I had not been 'uitgeschreven' but that is a different story.
The little Yoasties are allowed dual nationality as well. The British rule is the child has the mother's nationality this trumps the only one allowed rule. Strange but true.
We went to renew our passports. The photographer who is next to the consulate had been briefed on the way one should look in the picture.
"Oh yes, Mr Consul sends a lot of business our way. We have the official instruction on what is required. Now we need to see your ears in the photo. New rules I'm afraid."
"What happens if you wear a headscarf or a turban? You can't see the ears then can you?"
"Religious reasons are allowed."
"Well for religious reasons, I think I would rather not look like a muppet on my passport photo. My hair looks really unfashoinable like that."
"I your religion based on the teachings of Trinny and Susannah? Be glad we can see your ears. Mr Consul sometimes sends people back because the ears aren't clear. Try as I may I can not get their ears on. Their faces are too chubby or something."
"Hmm not really the done thing to call your customers freaks is it?"
"No, but luckily Mr Consul is understanding when I put that on a note with the pictures :-)

Well I have my passport and I do look like a muppet.


Anonymous said...

I've not had my passport renewed since the new rules and don't look forward to it. I don't mind my ears but if I'm correct you're not allowed to smile anymore either. Not very nice to have a moody photo in my passport I think...

Freddie said...

@She you are right, smiling is not allowed. Imagine the fun we had at the photographer trying to get two toddlers to look straight at the camera no smiling and with ears showing.

Dutchnic said...

I hate it that you're not allowed to smile! And what's the use of a baby's passport pic? Don't they change by the day?