04 October 2011

Traditional parenting.

We have decided to do what all good parents do when their child is afraid of dogs. That's right, get a dog.

We have been to look at dogs at dog shelters but they seem to be mainly Staffordshire Bull terriers. Not my kind of dog. Alternatively the dogs available are Rottweilers - too big for our house and also not my kind of thing.

We have looked at books about dogs. The youngest is pretty certain she knows what she wants. We are going to go to Discover Dogs to meet some breeds. I have been in touch with a breeder, so fingers crossed we will soon have the patter of 4 little feet.

03 October 2011

talking of chocolate

Recently read this post. I like dark chocolate. Husband brought this back from Switzerland last week. It's just like eating cacao powder. Not sure what I'll do with it. Chocolate cake anyone?

01 October 2011

Settling back into school

The girls seem to be enjoying school so far.
The eldest now has violin lessons and school choir and so far she likes it. The teacher did decide to teach them French. She was not impressed. "Well I speak English and Dutch and I can ask for apple juice and ice cream in German and Italian. Why do I need learn French?" Hmm because it's part of the curriculum?

The second daughter is not sure that her new teacher is giving her enough work though. She has had to ask for homework. She wants homework. Her teacher is happy to provide it but as he is newly qualified he doesn't always have time to provide with extra work.

Luckily the mac turned up. It was in the PE kit.