At our local farm shop they were selling purple carrots. I had heard of purple carrots but never eaten them before, so we bought them. They taste just like normal carrots and are in fact orange on the inside. However before you rush out to buy purple carrots beware of two things:
4 carrots
50g salted peanuts
2 tbsp red wine vinegar
2 tbsp groundnut oil
Grate the carrots coarsely or chop into fine batons. Mix the grated carrots with the peanuts and other ingredients. Try to stop the children and husband from eating your salad. This normally doesn't work so double (or triple) the quantities.
- It confuses the family no end, there was even refusal to try prurple carrot but then I told Mr Yoastie to stop being childish and just eat them
- The colour that makes the carrots purple stains really badly. It took 24h to get the colour of my ha
4 carrots
50g salted peanuts
2 tbsp red wine vinegar
2 tbsp groundnut oil
Grate the carrots coarsely or chop into fine batons. Mix the grated carrots with the peanuts and other ingredients. Try to stop the children and husband from eating your salad. This normally doesn't work so double (or triple) the quantities.